Sharing spirit

Couple of months back I was really upset when my laptop crashed and I could not retrieve the data in my presumably still workable HDD, as the HDD enclosure which I bought through Shopee came with a faulty cable. Upon reading Investmoatmoat's post, I came to know of the HDD adapter converter cable. So I bought it (also through Shopee for about SGD5) and tested it out today. To my pleasant surprise, it worked like a charm! The folders auto-popped up upon connection and I managed to retrieve all my precious saved photos and favourite links with only a few clicks. Phew!

Looks ugly but who cares as long as it works

Funny that it wasn't a financial post that got me fired up for this blog post. In that same instance of gratefulness, I was thinking how we may have taken for granted many valuable sharing from the blogosphere.


Pause for a moment...

Have you came across a post that saved your day?

Have you came across a post that changed one or more of your financial perspectives for the better?

Have you came across a post that has inspired you or perhaps gave you a new personal mantra?

Have you came across a post that made you find out more about what you have not known before?


Ever since I embarked on my blogging journey, I have came across many other blogs with 'selfless sharing' of wisdom and useful ideologies. I came to know of things that I didn't know, bookmarked many of the blog masterpieces that I never got sick of re-reading, internalized some of those great ideas and got inspired on some new ones. Much of the time I am just a "free-loaders" and silent reader. Sometimes I would leave a message to distill more of the bloggers' thoughts or simply as a gesture of my appreciation for their effort.

The essence of blogosphere is the sharing spirit. It may be what's fueling us bloggers years after years.

We share, we learn, we muse.

Sharing is a mutually beneficial activity. Looking from a broader perspective, with the connectivity through internet and apps, it is possible (and very convenient) for many resources to be shared (material or not) and be saved as well. Eg. the more sharing, the less time spent on figuring things out on our own, the less money we spend on procurement, the less material wastes get generated, the more ideas get propagated... As long as we don't get lazy. (Erm, I am not talking communist here just in case you get mistaken.)

Ok back to the blogging community - I am not encouraging you here to swallow all the information from bloggers as the gospel truth. For instance the "dungeon masters" sharing on the other hand would be quite different (read what's dungeon masters here), they share with agenda. I shall leave the elaboration for SMOL's further writing in his upcoming posts perhaps. Ya, so trust but remember to verify too!

If you have came across any post that got you fired up (in any positive ways like mentioned above), do post the link in the comment below.
Share!  :)

Check out my Blog Archives here for previous posts


  1. That was really a saver! And cost only a small amount to fix.

    "We share, we learn, we muse." :))

    1. Hi 30YearOldInvestor,

      Yes! Some things we thought are expensive to fix / troubleshoot actually have solutions that are simple and cheap. With some learning, now I should be able to troubleshoot whether it's ram, HDD or motherboard problem without going to an IT fixer, should a laptop crash. Hehe

      Forgot to kudos the you-tubers too. These days I also learnt many things from the vloggers.


  2. Even more 1 to 1 private email messages or 1 to 1 kopi sessions sharing not known publicly. That is sharing without commercially vested ok interests

    1. Hi Uncle8888,

      I will accumulate and list all my questions to 请教 then ask you out for kopi session someday ok?

  3. A passerby here seeing your blog post on sharing.

    That is true with online search done, it help us to get some solutions/new perspective/problem solving here. For that, we are really thankful for them and they shared without requesting for any benefits.


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