Year end reflections 2020

This year has not been kind to many. Who would have predicted that the impact of the Wuhan virus can be more fatal and widespread than SARS? I can only say that we are really fortunate to be living in Singapore, where our government really took good measures against community virus spread and also took good financial care of its citizens hit by this economy seismic.

View from the MBS Skypark

I was half-joking with my friend, at the beginning of the year when discussing FIRE, that I will be forced into FIRE soon. 

As I am drafting my plans, I know very well that I am not ready for full retirement (RE) despite scrapping a financial independence (FI) enough for lean FIRE. Things just happened and I do not have much choice (or motivation) to be working full-time.

From 'The Personal MBS' - What's sufficiency?

I am confident that with less going out with friends, eating out and no overseas holidays, my expenses would be much reduced this year. I don't do budget down to the cents.

Well, I don't know what might change a year from now so I can't really plan too far into the future.

Sometimes we conveniently forget, as time ticked away, that every action we took would give repercussions that we may notice too late in the future. Opportunities, places and people encountered - how many have I let slip by and how many have I chosen to keep touch with?

Despite having a wild ride for stocks this year, the v-shape recovery totally crushed my speculation of a dead-cat bounce. Thus, my portfolio didn't fare too bad after all. As of date, I have recouped all my trade losses from the 2018 massacre. Could have done better if I wasn't such a scardy cat.

Also, my cryptos are now on freehold. Providing that I don't add on to my positions.

I am considering doing DCA into a few ETFs or funds next year to be hands-off from valuating and picking individual stocks, which can be rather time-consuming. Here's an interesting read - Returns per unit of stress. Consider it as a diversification of portfolio too.

I shall rest my pen now and pick up the mop (it's housework time). Going to burn this weekend slogging.

Have a Merry X'mas!

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Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: Contents of this blog are personal opinions and NOT financial advice to buy or sell any mentioned securities, commodities or assets.


  1. Quote : "It's no good to be investing, it's akin to gambling"

    Your Mum may have heard or witness relatives or close friends badly burnt during AFC and CLOB Saga.

    Read? Chop Fingers liao!!! (2)

    Read? Pre-AFC Nothing Could Gone Wrong. Hoot Tua Tua or Supercharge Your Leverage!!!

  2. Congratulations on your Freehold/Pillow XRP as it is now zero or near zero stress unit of returns.

    Slowly work towards freehold investment portfolio for Infinite Return and income generation during your semi FIRE and finally FIRE!

    1. Hi Uncle8888,

      Now I freehold ETH. Already sold my XRP. :D

  3. Hi Rainbowcoin.

    Your post reminds me of my givegiving days. Keep going. It indeed can be depressing with the best of compassion, intentions.

    U also very 孝顺。

    Find time for outlet, like a alone meal, or WhatsApp chat.

    The thing is, when they dun agrue... U know it not good news

    1. Hi SI,

      Thank you for your encouragement.

      Yeah, you are right. When they don't argue, it's not good news. :(

  4. Rainbow girl,

    You're cool!

    Most just talk and talk, set lots goals; plan this, plan that...

    All the above just to AVOID making a decision.

    Once we have made a decision, there can only be 3 outcomes:

    1) Crash got sound. Shit! I've made a mistake!

    2) Sweet! I should've done this long ago!

    3) Don't know leh... Still too early to tell...

    Mother and daughter story... This one can be more drama than mother-in-law versus daughter-in-law...

    Trust me, there are days I feel like screaming at mom. My mom is a hoarder while I'm the "let it go" guy. Imagine the fun we'll have when its time for our move!


    Good luck to your new journey next year as the Lady of Leisure.

    Money lost can be recouped; time lost is forever gone.

    You've got your priorities right!

    You go girl! (This girl not so idiot after all!)

    1. Hi SMOL,

      I thought you knew I am not much of a planner. Lol

      MIL and DIL story sure more drama,got undercurrent. Mother and daughter one is plain boring la. We always grumble, argue on the same old things.

      Wait... Where did that idiot part come from?


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