Life and gaming

I used to play a lot of computer games. Much less now as I have come to realize it can be a real waste of time. Some questions I asked myself: "so what if you are the top scorer?", "so what if you reach level 100?". There will just a never-ending slew of new quests and more levels to beat as the game developers attune the games such that you can never reach an "end point". However, I won't write off gaming entirely. Gaming can evoke your IQ, make you learn something new or improves one reflexes. I mostly prefer playing strategy-based games such as Seven Kingdoms. Only have to be mindful in staying out of addiction. Lately, I have played this game call 'Dragon Fly' which is a game of reflex to make you fly a baby dragon as far away as possible while avoiding obstacles. Later, I realized that I need to accomplish certain tasks for my little dragon to level up (eg. collect one speed vial) before reaching realm four. No wonder I haven't b...