
Showing posts from July, 2014

Think life like a business

Stage I - The startup At budding stage, you acquire the capital that you need and plan for the "business" you want to do by choosing the education / course of interest to you. If the course you graduate from is of hot demand, you will find yourself some very good offers.  You are not afraid to try new things and fail. You want to see what works and what doesn't. Stage II - Stabilization and expansion At this stage, you already have the foundation for your "business". You start to acquire more skills, knowledge, network and experience relevant to expanding it and see its Net Asset Value grow. While doing so, you gotta watch and calculate your 'free cash flow' so that you can better plan for investments or save up for the rainy days.  Operating cash flow would be your daily expenses and investments made. You could diversify your "business" by taking up courses and picking up skills that would allow you to side-track should your main "

3 things I learnt from gaming Sanguasha (三国杀)

This is a popular online multi-player card game from China using poker-description cards which was introduced by one friend of mine years ago. There are many variants to play in the game and that's what makes it really fun. Here are some take-aways lessons that can be applied to real life. 1) 谋事在人, 成事在天. Even if you are the best strategist in the world, you cannot win if heaven doesn't deal you a good hand. There is no such thing as fairness. Although like 'cash-is-king', here 'card-is-king' but if you hold 10 lousy cards, you would still lose to someone with 4 good cards. 2) People in the same team need to rely on synergism. Every character has their own strengths and weaknesses, So don't look down on anybody even if the skill does not seem powerful persay. 3) 欲速则不达. Sometimes it takes patience, sometimes it takes sacrifices to win a game. You could sacrifice after dealing a final blow to the enemy in a strategic way for your team to win eventual


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