Happy new year 2016: Have some boat-rowing fun!

In this new year, I want to share an old Running Man episode with you. For some strange reason, the producer wanted to make the RM team sail across the Hangang and it's the nth time they are building boats from scratch.

RM is my favourite variety show - not just for entertainment but sometimes there are valuable lessons to take away as well. I always admire the cast's courage and determination in overcoming all the challenges and obstacles thrown to them. Sit back, relax and enjoy the video ☕. http://kshowonline.com/kshow/1827-[engsub]-running-man-ep.187

Image result for running man boat

Takeaways for this episode:

Don't be afraid to speak up

If you want to be chosen then voice out and show through your actions.

Boats that are overly light-weight are often harder to steer (towards the goal).

Because they get swept away more easily by the currant. Are we persons of heavy principles or little to no principles in life?

Even the seemingly useless materials can have their own WORTH. 

Just make the most out of every resources you have on hand.

It takes (many) FAILURES to enjoy the fruits of SUCCESS.

After experiencing boat capsizing, balloon ruining, the teams have learnt what is the best way of doing the job...

TECHNIQUE matters - get it right and stick with it.
You thought it's common sense not to steer with the edge of the oar? But some just can't seem to steer with the flat of their oars throughout a stroke and in a uniform direction.

Don't build your boat too fancifully. 

It would obstruct your oars and your ability to control the boat. Same goes for too much distractions in life.
Be simple and practical.

NEVER GIVE UP- even if you started off from the last position.

HARDWORK and PERSEVERANCE are your hopes in becoming first in the race, even if the chance is slim.
And it can happen!

Hereby I wish all my readers and fellow bloggers good health and much wealth in year 2016! (✿◠‿◠)


  1. Cai Hong Mei,

    I watched the full episode. So funny and inspirational!

    The blanket team's boat was closest to a raft - like you've said, simple and practical.

    The basin team's was a mess...

    But I still don't understand how the plastic bag team came in 2nd??? I guess sometimes there's no logic; so do!

    Just like how to explain Jae Suk's popularity when he's not the most handsome?


    1. Hi SMOL,

      You are right! Even though the plastic bag team's boat was soft and supposedly light-weight, it's really puzzling how they pulled it off as 2nd. Either Gary led well or lady luck's with them.

      I don't think any of the guys in RM is particular handsome (after Joongki left) but I like Jaesuk too simply for his quick-wittedness.


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