'Sorry, your child is not bright enough' - Channel NewsAsia

'Sorry, your child is not bright enough' - Channel NewsAsia

It's so sad to think of the kind of stress that children these days have to go through. Stress from parents, from school and now even enrichment / tuition centres. Speaking of kiasuism...

Learning often calls for aptitude and attitude. I think these centres which hold pre-enrolment tests are trying to screen for children with these qualities so that it would reflect better on them since these are the ones who would fare better in exams at the end of the day. Smart tactic and marketing I would say.

However, the truely professional educator whom I admire would be those don't discriminate and those who are able to deal with children with learning problems or the not-so-gifted ones to help them improve on their results - as long as they are willing to learn.

It is really the improvement that should count and not so much of how many As or A stars the child gets. It is also about nurturing the child in what he is good at, a so-called bright child doesn't need to be a straight A scorer. Maybe we should start evaluating learning centres in this new light.



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