New year resolutions 2012

I have started off this year with a brilliant firework-watching with my friends at Esplanade park and it is also my first time watching fireworks live. A good start to the year.

With reference to my last year's resolution -, I have 3 aspects that I wanna work on last year namely
- a realistic exercise regimen
- money to be accumulated and allocated this year
- my career goals
1. A realistic exercise regimen has made some progress, although I didn't have a good stick to discipline and when weather's bad I just sit in the comfort of my home (which isn't an ideal exercising ground at all), I manage to swim fortnightly for a while before the rainy weather set in. Now seems like the weather is getting sunny again, I shall aim to exercise weekly whenever I have a weekday off work.

2. Money to be accumulated and allocated. Well, I didn't keep to my words of staying out of new investment although I did bought a blue chip - CapitaLand. And I did that by catching a falling knife - when the price is plummaging. So... I am still holding on to it and wait to sell on a very good rebound. Unfortunately the property market has got some very bad news and I think it's gonna take some time. Other non-blue chips are doing badly too because the Europe crisis is still hanging.

3. I have stayed on another year at where I am working and waiting for some juicy bonuses. Thereafter, I will re-access what are my goals and prospects in the company. Would be interested to try out new jobs if prospects are not in favor otherwise.
The ultimate plan is still to set up a business but I have yet to draw up a concrete plan. That shall be my new year resolution.

4. Okay, Resolution 4 is to learn more about stock trading. Again it takes self-discipline which I think I am lacking

5. To go for at least a holiday oversea. In 2011, I have been too busy and couldn't settle on a good travel location and time with my friends. Start sourcing travel opportunities and buddies... hmm but maybe after moving house.

I am both excited and anxious about moving house this year. Hope all will go smoothly. Seeing the new house this Thursday. Had a really curvy-turvy, bumpy year 2011. Looking on the bright side there are some good lessons that me and my family have learnt during those problem-solving times. For a while I am gonna stop tracking my stocks, because I am unable to do anything about them and it's just depressing to keep dwelling on the losses.

I have stopped wasting time on FB games which is a good achievement on the discipline part in 2011. I have decided to stop joining useless events.

Lastly, I gotta ask myself what I would define as a happy life.



  1. Thanks for adding me to your blog rainbowcoin!

    I've a niche blog (euphemism for not many visitors - LOL!); so when a "new" visitor visits, I am curious.

    May I have your permission to return the favour by adding your blog under my "Journey Companions"?

    You have an interesting blog and the magenta colours... Let's say I will be very surprised if you are a boy! Wink wink.

    All the best to your 2012 resolutions! You go girl!

    Nowadays, if I happy, I don't need resolutions ;)

    1. Hi SMOL, thanks for your kind comments on my blog (which I think is even more niche haha!). And of course you can add my blog too as long as you find it link-worthy.

      It's the title of your blog that first interest me. Very hard to find a 'leisure man' in Singapore. Yeah happy man don't need resolutions. :)


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